Sunday, May 20, 2018

Beauty in the Embers ----> 'The Taboo Lesson of Giving Up and Letting Go'

Have you ever fought for something so hard wanting it to work and bear fruit and yet it doesn't? Ever worked at something so hard you wore yourself out over and over again but it still wasn't working? Well, I'm here to tell you in the famous words of Usher, Let it Burn.

See this:

Scene 1- In Pimple situations, the results are worse when you try popping rather just let it come up, thrive and dry itself out...leaves no mark this way actually. 

Scene 2- Car accident. Some accidents end up being worse and fatal while trying to avoid smaller ones. Just crash- you'll survive...leave the emergency brakes alone....this one might cause a car flip and kill you.

Scene 3- Game Of thrones...Khaleesi ordered Jorah to get a cure. The cure was having a thick layer of all his skin peeled off. The ointments just gave relief for a moment. 

Scene 4- Meghan, her divorce and her now duchess status and man who worships the ground she walks on 

Scene 5- Ciara, Future, Baby future and Russell words necessary here 

Now, the above scenarios will relate to relationships, business opportunities, friendships  and so on and so forth. Some people, things, chances and doors are not going to work. Matter of fact- let them burn. It is this fire that will purify the sacrifice. Your sacrifice. Your blood. Your  tears. Your sweat. Your all. You. 

Even in our relationship with God, some lows be come super lows....when you discover rock bottom has a basement. He says, be still. Stop trying too hard. It was never meant to be this hard, it was meant to bend you not break you...bend you for a reshape. It is in silence where most of the times we thrive...where God bellows or where you hear his still small voice. Just listen. Stop talking, stop crying, stop begging and definitely quit negotiating lest you find yourself at the devil's crossroad selling your soul.

At times, learn to let go. Let it hurt, let it burn. From the ashes you will rise. Stop holding on to things, people, opportunities clearly not meant for you or whose time isn't in the now. It's ok to let go. Trust me, i repeat - IT WAS NOT MEANT TO BE THAT HARD. Also remember that,  a blessing whose time hasn't come, will hurt you. Blessings do require preparations.
A seed must die for a plant to be born. Always know this and apply it to those situations which are draining  you, which are ominous,  where people are sucking the life out of you, that relationship that you have sacrificed everything for that you have nothing left to yourself and of yourself. Do not be overshadowed by your own shadow. Do not allow yourself to become a shell of the woman or man you once were or that you're meant to be.

I'm currently applying this in my life- I'm right there in the fire. I feel the flesh seeping off my bones. But like Ezekiel in the valley of the dead, these dry bones are becoming an army.
Last year, my resolution was total surrender to God and I achieved that 80%. This year, it's total surrender to life, it's beauty and complexity in equal measure. Now watch me Rise.
This doesn't mean giving up on everything. Please read between the lines. 
This means doing an audit of your life and it's situations and if the bad outweighs the good even by an ounce, letting it crash and burn and trusting God and life to work itself out.

