Hi, I'm Nyandia and these, these are my two cents. Lets have fun!! #TeamJesus #Tech4Life #SocialMedia #Nerdette #LiveLoveLifeLoud #BillionaireInTheMaking
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014
Miss World Kenya BootCamp: Here She Comes!!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
1. You borrow Fare
- You made her pay
for your stuff
- You let her pay on
the first date and even Implied on going Dutch
- You wore recycled
AND dirty clothes
- You call yourself
a ‘Sufferer’
- You’re crazy mad
infatuated with Boobs and Ass
- You call other
women ‘Bitches’
- You immediately
mentioned Sex And/or an Ex on the first chat
Saturday, September 6, 2014
The Side-Dish Barbie vs. the Geek Chic
Thursday, September 4, 2014
The Day I Nearly didn't give To the poor...
Ladies and Gentlemen, I write this with and in pain and with shame, but not of what I have done but of what is done to you.
As you go to work or get off work, you just want to go to the stage, take a matatu or a bus, sit quietly by yourself, with your earphones and wait for the conductor to religiously collect your fares and then get back to your quiet bus/matatu ride to your home stage. But many a time, it is not so. We have psychological and mental torture shoved down our souls and throats in the name of beggars who have this and that sickness and are always a few coins away from a serious and repairing medical procedure. Also, you may also get some weird preacher who claims to have healed so many people in a certain hospital that it is on the verge of closedown for the lack and decrease in patient numbers. He then goes ahead and tries to guilt your soul and spirit into sadaka aka offerings with verses and testimonies. IT IS NOT FAIR.
Jesus gave to the poor and healed the sick and he asked us to emulate him. He also shunned thieves and robbers. I was shocked to learn that some of these beggars and pastors indeed have 'contracts' with the bus owners who get a commission of what you and I give. Very few and I mean a minute percentage of these sick and dying ever have any intention of seeking medical attention. I mean, after that? What are they supposed to live on? What are they supposed to do? Fend for themselves? God forbid they lift a finger!!!! Heavens shun if they break a bead of sweat!
The reason I write this is the fact that I just took a bus home and in here was a young man with severe celebral palsy;can barely talk and walk and he somehow convinced the bus owners to let him in and once the bus started moving, he was up; barely being able to walk, giving papers on which his life and photo is printed and insisting on getting money. I am angry, not because of his condition but because I met him 4 years ago, in a Ngong road bus doing the very same thing insisting, if my memory serves me well that he needed funds for treatment. Ofcourse we know celebral palsy has none but they have doctors and physiologists who assists improve your motor sensory system. Oh and boy did we give! One look at the young man and you'd burst into tears. I was so a much affected mentally and psychologically and prayed so often. Two years down, I met him again in the same buses along Ngong Rd and now 4 years down the line, here he was along Thika Rd. I guess people along Ngong Rd had known him and his sham. Because second time round nobody even looked at him.
So here I was. At the middle seat of the farthest from the front seat texting the bae, letting him know what I was seeing while expressing my frustrating experience and also trying to seem busy as I was so angry. He came straight at me, and handed me his paper, I tried to ignore but all neighboring eyes pierced me, bullets aside. Everyone was giving, sighing in sympathy and whispering among themselves. Oh if they only knew. He then shouted at me to take it and read it, the only way he could. And more eyes came my way. I reached out to my pockets and got 50 Ksh and gave the 'poor guy'. Estimated, this guy makes around a minimum of 1000 from each bus. And God knows we have buses in plenty. Per day, you want to try calculate how much he makes? How about per month? Don't even try annual earnings lest you'll die of shock. He probably makes 100 times more than you do, oh and wait... It is all tax free! This young man most probably has a bungalow and land to his name.
Personally, I know quite a number of people suffering with different disabilities but are gurus in what they do. Lord! I know one who makes 90% of websites look like a joke. Also, we have people with serious illness: Lupus, Cancers, Diabetes, Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis but go to work every day, probably in intense pain and work their assets off. I say this because I know it. I live it. These people and others do not use their conditions to sham and guilt and manipulate their way to a day off. Many a time I hide my sick off forms from the doctor and go to work because I have to make a living. Not once have I been summoned in the name of feigning sickness. Oh if they only knew. So I work my ass off, with inflamed joints, severe chronic colitis and S. L. E. and BTW my doctor, among the best Rheolumatologists in the country Dr. Simani, is a person living with disability. You should all meet him. Then see what I'm talking about. Mine, is the story of hundreds and probably thousands.
My dear readers, I do not forbid giving to the poor. But let's just try be wise at it. Let's quit enriching shameless pervs who are most probably waaay wealthier than 15 of us in a bus combined. God knows I'm a sucker for them and the puppy eyes. Do what I try doing once in a while, I take one of them out for lunch. Especially the kids. Oh it's so much fun, you learn so much and thank God so much for what you have because to them, you're probably the wealthiest man alive.
Blessings and Affection,