Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Dear Diary,

I really don’t know what wealth looks or feels like but I know I’d never want to be like most of the filthy rich people I’ve had the misfortune of meeting.
I took a few months off blogging; because of so much that was happening in my life and I wasn’t yet ready to share, some of it I still am not. But I will, it’s a world of joy and lessons out here for a girl in my shoes.


Two or so months  ago I was on my usual contract hunting with some of my powerful ‘friends’ who had promised me one at a private residence. I’d been stringing along to social calls with them and a few others and we were getting somewhere. I badly needed the job cause, money.  For that, I had to take some very uncouth conversation, sentiments and remarks from the fold of them. Knowing that he had been around with some girls I know; some even friends, I was cautiously walking the fine line because he had made known to me and others his intentions with me, nay with my body.
Cut a long story short (for another day though), after my relentless efforts to ensure that he knew I wasn’t interested sexually, he told me to my face that I would never get anywhere without ‘sponsors’ and that that was the actual reason nobody with power and influence was helping me with my projects. That I lacked compromise. Burning red hot with my ears steaming, I exchanged words with him and asked him to see me in 5 years, and I’ll still be without a sponsor. I didn't get the job duh


Fast forward to this week. The bae took me to one of his extended family member’s new home in an extremely plush hood. Wait, it’s not even a hood. I was there for an hour or so, didn’t touch anything and even sat outside on the manicured lawn to take it all in. Hours later, Calls come in asking why he had taken me there and this, that and the other. Mind you, the house had at least 7 other visitors who are staying there as the family tours but me! Oh Lord Forbid!
I don’t mean to jump into conclusions but there has been a series of events; disrespectful ungodly and cowardly events that have led to the conclusions: 1. I am not of their social-class lmao whatever that means and 2. We are different nationalities lol xenophobia in my own country

My wish this Christmas:

  1. BE HUMANE: if you can’t be nice just give people the benefit of the doubt. Let them prove you wrong.
  2. When you have more than you need, build a bigger table not a higher fence
It doesn't hurt to be nice and if it does, in the end it will all be worth it. 



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