Thursday, May 22, 2014

A tough,tough 22nd day of March

I sit at my desk for the first time in like almost four hours. See, being in ICT in a huge organization is quite the task, worse if you happen to have a medical condition that gives no signs of an attack until it does. By 10 in the morning I was already tired from moving up and down the stairs. This weekend, my body shut down and gave me hell and till now it seems I haven’t recovered. Oh Boy! I literally feel like crying and tears are forming in my eyes...oh shit, be back in a few
…ok, I am composed now atleast a bit. Basically Lupus is an ass. The fatigue, the joint pain and inflammation, the bone pain, the feet swelling probably due to the meds I have taken over the years affecting my kidney, the memory loss, oh lets talk about that. Picture coming to town from home to do something specific at a specific building and then head back home. Picture getting to town, alighting and going into the CBD and all of a sudden you have no idea where you are, have no idea the location you are going to and probably have no idea where you came from, just like that. Welcome to my life at times lol. Also, picture walking into an engineering exam room to sit for your finals and when the paper is put infront of you, your brain shuts down and you go blank, even your registration number, you have to check and confirm from the Student I.D
I hate this. I hate being sick. Ugh nobody should ever have to go through this. NOBODY deserves this, even your worst enemy. I can literally feel my feet, my hands, my head, my back fail me, yeah I can literally feel the pain creeping in, I feel  the heat and pain and swelling getting to my knees, ankles, elbows and fingers...i feel it all. Crying does help by the way. Just like a baby, it puts you to sleep and for a few hours, you forget it all.
And as from 3 weeks ago, I have been having these night terrors. Trust me, they aren’t fun at all. Imagine waking up frightened, sweating, shaking from your heart nearly popping from your chest and you have no idea why. Literally every night. Sometimes I ask bae to come around, just so I can lie on his chest and sleep, knowing that there is someone around helps and through I may get panic attacks, they wont be as bad and there will be someone to calm me down and tell me that everything is fine. This is something I haven’t been able to get my head around as of why it happens…sometimes even my doctors are confused. Yup I have like 4 doctors, all specialists and every two weeks I find myself in the halls of the Karen Hospital.
In 2 weeks, I face a panel of doctors from all over courtesy of my Uncle who is a doctor. They find my case pretty interesting as no one really understands it yet and they will take samples here and samples there and try work this jargon. I can only hope for the best, I can only pray for the best. I actually stopped praying for my healing, I know its sad but its true. 4 years down the line, all I can ask God is for his will to be done. He says that his plans for us are not to harm us but to give us hope and assure a future. This is his will and I so wait for it. Until then, I will hang on. Don’t get me wrong though, I believe in healing, I’ve seen my Mom’s chronic asthma disappear. She’d not even sip cold water or a soda and now, she can even crush ice if she wanted because she can.
Dear reader, from me to you, take a minute and thank God for your health. I on the other hand do know the battle is God’s and I know it will not be over until God says it is finished. Ahhhh felt good letting it all out here. Now I can get back to work.
Blessings and Love,


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