Thursday, May 29, 2014


Le Madam is back to work!! Ola my good people! Sick leave for four days yeah, fatigue, exhaustion, etc. etc. etc. . . . I did go to hospital by the way in case you’re wondering but guess what, I missed my doctor by minutes and had to see a GP who could not do much for me but put me on a six tablet dosage of painkillers until tomorrow when I get to see my doc. Mmmhmm tough luck huh?
So, yesterday got me in an argument about the meaning of the above statement and its application among other things. Basically, I found myself in a trance wondering if the person I am dating actually cares enough to worry about losing me. Oh, well I guess the fact that I already I’m wondering does say a lot huh? Enough about me and lets release the kraken on this title.
Now, my beloved good people…this title applies in literally every situation in your life. Let’s break it down:
Let’s keep in mind that relatives are chosen for you but family, family you get to choose. Don’t take family for granted, they’re not always going to be there I mean, people do grow old and die. I read an article on regrets people have while on their death beds and I can assure you that none ever has a regret on anything material and the number one regret is always, “I never spent or dedicated enough time to family” with that said, I actually am going home next week to see my folks for the first time this year. Family is God sent and they’re your star player. Honestly, work and other things should be fans when put face to face with family. Don’t sacrifice the making of new memories and revisiting of old ones with family on the altar of a profession.

     2. FRIENDS
By this I mean family who you aren’t of one blood. Real friends basically and trust me in life you probably have less than four of these probably just one or two. The minute you walk away or become too busy for those who would literally take a bullet for you just because you got a new job, have expanded your circle of cooler, richer and much more professional people, honey you are losing your star player. Don’t forget who was there for you and who has always been there for you especially in your lows. Don’t forget and neglect your stars. Don't loose them.

This encompasses of our love life’s. Many a times we always find ourselves in the middle of 'one you want vs. one you need' drama. That attractive bootyliscious and heavily endowed diva of a woman aka a bitch may be the one you just want to tap at that moment but wait, is it worth you loosing that one lady who is loyal to you and would do just about anything for you? Why loose the man/woman of your life for the hoe of the night? That man may be driving a hell of a ride and showers you with presents but you know deep down he doesn’t give much thought when it comes to you and even though he does, judging from the past, he has always neglected your emotional needs always prioritizing his physical ones yet there is that one guy who you’ve friend zoned for thee longest time, whom you go to for advice on boys and go to cry on and curse at when you get played. Please note that one day, sooner than you think, they will move one. You will loose your star player while entertaining your fans. Trust me, you’re not the only one who spots a jewel and someone sooner or later or already has spotted that diamond you always pick a rock over.

Never take anything for granted for nothing lasts forever. Those people who do good by you and strive each day to do this, those who bend over and beyond for your happiness, those who have nothing but the best for you at heart, they will go one day in one way or the other. Be Wise and choose your star player. Quit entertaining your fans.

Love and Kisses,

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