Monday, June 23, 2014


Hello Friends!! Hope your weekend was lovely. Now, in my 22 years on earth, I have met so many different types of people. Some are nice, others are ruthless, some really care while others couldn’t give a thought of you, and some have been changed positively by pain while others swore to revenge and so on and so forth. Basically this is a few ways on how you can be awesome and a blessing to others. Remember, ‘You have not lived until you have done something for someone who will never repay you’

      1.       Street Families cum Random strangers

From the children to the grown-ups. I know, I know, I also have my own reservations about some of these women I see in these Nairobi streets who are as vulgar as can be when you refuse to lend them a few cents. You know what, doesn’t matter; once a week try this: on your way to lunch, pick one of these kids up and take them with you. You have no idea the stories they tell you and they’re as comic as can be. This one time I was walking from the office and saw a gathering of people just outside the entrance of a bank, naturally I never go close to such but this one, I was curious so I took a peek and EVERYONE was staring at the tiny body of a street girl who was either asleep but most probably passed out from so many reasons. I walked away but on a few steps, I went back, shook her awake and asked her what was wrong, basically she ended up my lunch date. Never felt so good in my life and it was fun!

     2.       Your Family

Charity does begin at home. While you’re busy being generous and philanthropic to everyone and anyone yet your Mother or sibling is somewhere struggling for the very basic of necessities, I think you’re cursed. Never forget who was there and who will be there for you through the sometimes merciless world. Sending shopping to Le Mom every month or two couldn’t hurt, even helping out a sibling will go a long way since at one time, you will need them too. Don’t be a show off to workmates and random strangers while your family are literally diving and swimming in the tides of poverty. Be Nice.

     3.       Friends

Don’t always be on the receiving end, be the giver as well. Don’t always be the one waiting for handouts, have some dignity. Take them for lunch, pay for their drinks, and randomly surprise them with weird gifts. See how that makes the relationship grow. Be the person they can rely on, they can go to, they can cry on. Be accommodative and learn to listen not always speaking.

     4.       Your Partner

Girls Girls Girls. I get it with the man taking care of you crap and what not but hey, what if you took care of him every once in a while? How about you pay the bills every once? How about you take the car for service this time? Surprise him at work and take him out or bring him take out and have lunch at his office. Take control of situations at times. Let him know that you can hold your own. Watch the relationship shift from being too much on him and it being fun for the both of you. Watch him want to spend more time with you, spend more on you and even invest in you.

    5.       Workmates

70-80% of your day is spent with these people. You cannot afford to be a mean person. These people know you, they can make you and some can even break you. Be nice, don’t go behind people’s back to talk about them. If you have a problem with someone, might as well go ahead and confront them and get it over with because you’re going to be seeing their face for the long while. Some of their problems should be your problems, learn to shoulder some of their issues with as much weight as you would if they were yours for we all need each other and above all, respect them…it goes a long way.



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