Wednesday, June 18, 2014


We all know how confused the clan of Adam seems at times but also its good to note that it isn’t always their fault as I’ve noticed. Half the times guys are busy annoying you, they have no idea they are doing it. There are only two things to do about it: Suck it up and be tolerant OR Speak about it! Let them know...would you not prefer the same being done if you were the subject too?

  1. Leaving a Trail of Mess
OMG I don’t even know where to start with this…Breathe Nyandia Breathe! From the shoes at the doorstep to the socks along the corridor, pants on the sitting room carpet, shirt on the bedroom floor and tie on the bed. Yes that makes total sense. Naturally, guys are not as neat as women and mostly I believe it is because they’re told so from a very young age. When a Father hears the Mother nagging the son about an unkempt room or hair or dirty socks and pee all over the toilet seat, they tend to side with boy insisting that its ‘in their nature’ This, I believe is totally psychological. I know some male clean and neat freaks out here.

  1. Leaving Hair Trails
Wow this according to me is like top of the list of the disgustos I pity and pray for you especially is you use solid bath soaps. The bathroom floor, sink and the bedroom floor at times looks like a female weave pulling session took place. And on the soap, one just can’t help but hope in faith that it isn’t pubic hair that just got into your mouth as you were washing your face.

  1. Squeezing Toothpaste from the top
I do not, have never understood and won’t ever understand this. Who squeezes the toothpaste tube from the top surely? It makes zero sense at all, if any. SMH Nyandia sighs

  1. Keeping Long Nails
Whether it is toe nails or finger nails, it is disgusting. I don’t know any woman who likes it when her man touches her with those long disgustos. Imagine during foreplay and your fingers take a hike, like aren’t you afraid you may wound your woman and/or worse, infect her cause we all know the sanitary condition of the nails? AND those that grow ONLY the small finger nail? What the Hell? That’s worth a hurl. Don’t do that, just don’t.

  1. Grabbing your groin especially in public
Personally I have no problem with this I mean, each to his own right? But I have heard my friends complain about this and they feel embarrassed whenever this takes place. I guess it’s the fear that they may even do it in the presence of guests? Guys, just try to minimize this lol I speak for others

  1. Peeing on the Toilet Seat
How bad could you be in your degrees and aims? Even a child honestly knows how to aim. And you know what’s worse, is the fact that you don’t clean up the mess. I mean, if this happens and you’re a slippery slob, why not wipe the seat after you’re done? Exactly what do you stand to loose? Women take this very VERY personally and it’s humiliating and frustrating and can start a World War in your household.

  1. Leaving doors open
Cabinets, Closets, Doors, The toilet seat…name it. I don’t exactly understand how hard it is to shut something after opening it, I mean everyone shuts the fridge and main door. This is a terrible habit and may even cause accidents around the house, please try accommodate some good habits guys; for the sake of your children especially the young ones least they run into a door or an open sock cabinet and get hurt. It goes a long way even in teaching them.

  1. Finding Rape, FGM and other serious gender cases funny
Trust me, this is among the most unattractive things as a man you can do. As much as you want us to see how not in touch you are with your emotional side, don’t be a jerk and a dick about it. When you make stupid senseless and somewhat funny to your friends sentiments about issues such as rape, it just draws and defines the thin line between love and hate. NOBODY marries such a man. NOBODY wants a future with that. NOBODY can deal with that.

  1. Acting like you don’t care when deep down you do
When you mistreat your girl and she has had enough and decides to let you be and goes her own way, the least you could do is apologize. The least you could do is try show that you acknowledge your wrongs. Least you could do is try make up for it. Not doing this is exactly the reason we never take you back even when you come begging accompanied by your village elders. There, now you know it!

  1.  For those in the friend zone, introducing your lady friend as your wife, girlfriend, better half, boo, bae, babe, honey, darling, etc.
We DO NOT like that. There’s a reason you’re on the friend zone you know…so, don’t introduce me to a potential mate cum bae cum baby cum hubby cum future father of my children (in my brain) as your girlfriend! It is irritating and annoying as much as you’re trying to mark thine territory smh it isn’t yours to mark!
There you have it. The remake of Tyler Perry’s The Haves and The Have Nots. Cheerful read people!
Love and Kisses,



  1. I totally agree...... I could never find a better way to put all this in one like you did... Good job.

  2. Where did you leave picking your nose in public. Most men do this and it's very, very, very annoying. Handkerchiefs were made for a reason.

  3. hahahahah theyre so reading this.. ill be back with part 2.
    And thanks so much
