Monday, June 30, 2014


Got me leaving work late as I was helping bae out with some post grad party planning... On the way home, this lady seated in front of me to the left kept giggling and being the curious one I had to investigate. So this guy was texting her about how he used to steal avocados. That was just hilarious ain't none of my business though lol was so tired but spent the better part of the evening catching up on some GRIMM

Day of the party... Personally I wasn't to go but was convinced to after all, it was in a really awesome posh venue. I hadn't been out in almost a year so I figured.. What the hell, what's the worst that could happen anyway. I donned my natural afro and stepped into some 6-inch heels l, a fitting double peplum jacket and pink flowing chiffon dress. Felt great actually. Oh and lipstick... We cannot forget the lipstick at all. We got to the venue and my Goodness I really shouldve brought my own date. Why you ask? I was probably the only Kenyan and the only person who couldn't speak French smh 98%of people at the party were related and I didn't know any of them. I was so thrilled to see some kids I know yes you read that right, children. All this time on my seat as I listened to a French pastor, I was itching as the Brazil-Chile game was on and I didn't want to seem rude by popping in and out of the room so I held my own. My favorite part of the evening came by... The food. Oh my lawd! I was so pissed at myself for cooking and eating at home prior to the event. What was I thinking?!?! I was looking at all the goodies I had longed for but could have. Life can be a bitch sometimes. A few moments later one by one, we were asked to offer a congratulatory message to the lady. Now story for another day but her and I don't meet eye to eye. I just have this chronic condition known as dislike-for-selfrighteous-asses-who-think-they-have more-right-to-God-and-Jesus-than-you-do. You know the people who make being born again seem like such a bore and make Christians look like self righteous holy hypocritical judgemental asses? You get the picture I'm sure. So I just said congrats literally just the word and sat lol. I have no time for pretense life is too short you know.

When they started the dance session I saw that as my que to run and pop some flaming shots... First time in like 3years. It was fun as I got the most amazing company weirdly enough someone I'd just met and she was fun and lovely and out of nowhere we decided to drive out and take our party elsewhere. My goodness it was fun and weird. Our first spot was at Westlands and while we were parking the cars at the basement, some kids had just come from prom from my guess and one had his d*ck literally out. I have no idea what he was doing as he was talking to his pals. My goodness this vice named alcohol... The things it makes people do. Funny part is when he saw us, he ran to our car and shook Christian's hand. I died I swear hahahaha this guy was literally just from God knows doing what to his junk. I gagged. It was an amazing night 3venues later and 3a.m. Into the night... I had to go home, take some painkillers and pray to not have a hangover. Oh how those prayers got me nowhere

Midday is precisely the wake up hour. Laundry to do, a house to clean, dishes to wash, shoes to be wiped Jeez!!! And to top it all off I'm pretty sure I had the worst hangover in life's chronicles of alcohol intake. Never again I say... With a smile for I know it's a promise I so much intend to break. Lord have mercy!


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