Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Things You Should Never Say

     1.       I Never Meant
Learn to take responsibility. When you mention bad words and hurtful mentions to people when you’re pissed and throwing a bitch fit aka a tantrum, you did have a sane mind so the least you could do is take responsibility and instead of bringing up excuses, apologize and take it back. Don’t claim that you never meant to call him the devil or you never meant to call her a witch. We all know there must be something that triggered you to take it there and when you think about it later, it could be a legit reason. Either way, learn to say you’re sorry, eat your humble pie.

     2.       You’re Useless
Now why in the world would you say this to someone and especially to your partner or even worse, to your Child? Personally, I think you must have some deep issues for these words to leave your tongue. These words wound and they’re both mental and psychological, to some extent even spiritual. They are sort of curses and we all know about those especially when you say them to a child. I have been told these words several times and God knows it took so much strength for me to break out of the mental state I had been put in from childhood of just how much I would amount to nothing. No amount of anger, hurt or scarring should have you ever utter those words to anyone. NONE AT ALL.

     3.       I Love You
Tricky huh? Ok let me hand it to you; When this guy you’ve had your eye on and vice versa buys this expensive gift that you’ve longed for for a while now, the emotions overtake you and you scream ‘I Love You’ #sosad Or when you’ve had sex with someone and you become emotional as some do and through the tears you whisper ‘I Love You’ #sosupersad Avoid this at all cost. Take your time, only as much as needed to tell someone that you do love them. Be sure to mean it and be ready to handle the consequences. Be very smart about it when dealing with this 3-word sentence…it seals fates.

     4.       I Hate You
We all go through that moment when someone greatly disappoints or annoys us and they literally cross that very extremely thin line that lies between love and hate. This doesn’t make it right to yell out at-the-time emotion. Such words can be deeply scarring especially when they come from loved ones and people we deeply care about. Remember that words cannot be taken back and lie engraved in a memory somewhere. Watch it!

     5.       You’re Ugly
Ok, I get the jealous bitch fit that may get thrown your way when someone is jealous or some weird feminine-assumed emotion is going on. But to actually call someone ugly, should let you know how ugly and scarred you are on the inside. Personally such words would never do anything to me but we all know people are different. You may tell that to someone who has deep psychological issues and with a very low self-esteem...don’t be the reason they pushed the button and decided to slit their wrists. Don’t be a mean girl and we all know that mean girls are in both sexes. If a girl rejects you, calm down and take it like a man and move on. Let them see what they’ve missed out on. Don’t make them thank the heavens for the choice they just made.

     6.       I am better than you
Yeah right. Cause you were born wrapped in shimmer and glitter and your star shone and three wise men visited your mother in the delivery room right? If this didn’t happen to you, calm the fuck’re just like the rest of us. Be humble, stay humble and watch God lift you up.

      7.       I Wish I never met you
I’ll not be a hypocrite and lie to you lovies that I have never wished this but I would also be lying that I didn’t sit down and think of the things I learnt from that specific person. There is a reason why your paths crossed in the first place. It is/was never a mistake. Some people are meant to be a blessing while others are meant to be a lesson, always remember that. It is only a mistake if you learnt nothing from it, otherwise it was a lesson.

      8.       I can never Love/Want someone like you

Some people turn us off just by the way they breathe…no need to be coy. It’s a fact that we all have our preferences and we want to attract a certain type of person. But sit down, calm thineself and ask yourself, how so you attracted that person? Be humble and thank God that someone still finds you attractive and worthy you know? Find a nice way to turn down the guy/lady, tell them you’re flattered but you either are in a relationship, you’re not in a position to date or you don’t feel the same way about them. Remember: you do not owe them an explanation well, unless you did lead them on.

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