Now, the members of the clan of Eve are different from the members of the Clan of Adam. Eve members half the time know when they’re being annoying. Half the time, they may actually be annoying you with reason; either, they may want your attention either to talk, listen or hey! They may be just wanting some’ through the perfected art of distraction, they may just be hormonal and just want to get under your skin, well just to mention but a few reasons which are viable. I have compiled a list of annoying things that women do see if it helps you understand the Why’s and When's in regard to they’re just being annoying.
Now remember, if someone does something and you really don’t appreciate what they’re up to, it’s better to just tell them. You could also learn to tolerate them seeing as people are different. In this case, since you’re dealing with the emotional people, a calm sit down will do just fine but if she is being stubborn; which is what happens in most cases anyway, a firm hand will do. And by that I don’t mean strike, I mean a serious no nonsense straight faced talk. Women love the authority sometimes anyway. Oh, but if she just wants some good loving *wink wink*, better do it else you’ll have no one but yourself to blame for your blue balls for the next few weeks HEHEHE But Girls, don’t take advantage of the fact that Men love everything, well almost everything about you for you to be a pest and annoying cool? Cool.
- Holier than Thou Attitude
Oh My Golly Gosh!! Where to start. When you want sex, ask for it even better, go get it!! Men love this. Lying in wait like some sort of animal waiting for the mare to come and mount is exhausting; sexually, mentally, psychologically. In my chronicles, women are more sexual than men. So that goddess in you that turns into a harlot in your mind at times, if you don’t reveal it to your man, who will you reveal it to? Another thing, when talking about people, stop always trying to seem like the righteous’s distasteful. Be the bitch every once in a while, speak your mind and rise above your self-limitations, people will respect you for it,
- Bitching about other Women, Random women
There is honestly something wrong with a woman who cannot compliment another woman. Whether she sees a woman looking hot as hell in some Louboutin shoes or it’s a new hair style, a simple nod will suffice. Sneering and rolling your eyes at a random lady walking down the street just because she has put much effort towards looking good, is in a word PSYCHOTIC. Insecure women do that.
- Security Issues
If you need your/a man to always tell you how beautiful you are like a couple of times a day for you to actually feel that you’re worth something, you need Jesus among other things. Don’t make a man your emotional crutch. It’s exhausting and unattractive. Have some dignity and pride, every day you wake up, look in the mirror and proclaim how beautiful, blessed and favored you are. Proclaim on how you’re going to conquer the world today and see a big difference in your day to day life. Don’t make a man a god of sorts to you, believe in yourself. Every woman is beautiful in one way or another; I can attest to that. If that wasn’t true, some of these girls in the village of villages with the weirdest naïve habits would never get pregnant and we all know how pregnancy rates are high in those zones.
- Mother attitude
Stop mothering people. They have mothers and other much older, more mature mother-figures for that. Nagging because of the color of socks your guy/man is wearing is cuckoo. When it’s his stuff, there’s a much better way to approach him but not on such super minor issues. Turning to be a Mom for your man is ugh repelling.
- Shopping
Yes, I’m going to tread very carefully here as I fall here in all ways and directions. Honestly, MEN HATE SHOPPING it’s a fact and nothing will change that. Don’t make them dread going with you to the mall because he knows what awaits. Especially when you don’t tell him and he just finds himself in a boutique or supermarket, it’s much worse. Just let them know the truth and your real intentions…that way, he knows what he is up for. And don’t push it…it’s not worth the strife. We all have girlfriends for this you know.
- Non-Stop Talk
45 minutes of endless talk which may or may not include complains and words of hate and spite is the reply you get when you ask most women the very basic and nice caring question of ‘How was your day’ Nobody who comes home from a long day at work likes a teetotaler. I sometimes can’t even stand the noise of my television and the most I want to do is read something, anything, rather than hear human noise. Don’t make people dread asking you questions for the fear of your never ending answers. Keep it basic and straight to the point. Sometimes even though you’ve had a crappy day, put a brave front and say it was good because you may not know how ugly your partner’s day was.
- Insisting you don’t love them
Don’t get me wrong here, I do know there is a good number of people who really make one feel unappreciated but life is like that. There’s positives and negatives…learn to run with the good and leave the bad. Learn to let go of those who hurt you and make you feel unappreciated and what not…you don’t need those people in your life. Don’t always insist verbally on how much you’re not loved. Sit back, reflect and see if that’s true and if it is, why do you choose to stay? Also, learn not to take everything personally as people are very different and if someone wrongs you, tell them. Remember, if they didn’t love you as they claim, they wouldn’t be there you know? Weigh it all before such utterances that sound so conclusive.
- Hating on each and every of his friends
This is so not cool. Remember, the guy had a life before he met you and will have a life waaay long after meeting you. Tolerance is key but also there are some of his friends who are horrid nightmares, some who hit on you, text you, say inappropriate things at and/or to you. Tell him. Take the time to know his friends before you judge them, then make your conclusion and involve him as well.
- Winning arguments by crying
Men don’t do crying, simply because they mostly have no idea how to react or what to do. Taking advantage of this fact is psychotic and very manipulative. One day, he will get tired of this and he will leave or worse, he will just be looking at you and walking out right after telling you that he will only talk to you when you’re ready to be an adult. Be an Adult and learn to handle situations in a similar way, this way you’re both happy and when you happen to cry which won’t be a common view for him, he will take it with utmost seriousness.
- Never saying Sorry even when they are wrong
Women can be way more egotistic than men. Their pride much more as well. Saying sorry will not make you add or lose weight, it doesn’t make you any more or less of a person, and it doesn’t make you weak. It makes you the bigger, mature responsible person. And trust me, it’s satisfying when it one day hits you that you’re actually capable of saying you’re sorry. As women, sometimes our emotions take the better of us and when provoked, we may say inappropriate and unnecessary things and that’s why it much more important for us to acknowledge when we do wrong and mend the fences. Always remember that.
Hope it helps.
Love and Kisses,
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